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About Hands to Paws

Speak to any Galen Myotherapist about why they trained and they’ll all have a story. The story of Hands to Paws starts with my own dog, Woody or Mr Woodles to his pals!

Woody came into my life when we rehomed him at 3.5 years old and from that moment my whole outlook on life changed. Just after his sixth birthday I took him to the vets as something just wasn’t quite right with his gait. X-rays followed and he was diagnosed with significant arthritis and medial compartment disease in both elbows.

After lots of tears, I looked at Woody who was just getting on with life in his unique smiley way and began the research on what this meant for his future. As part of this I attended a canine massage workshop for owners and completed a Level 2 Diploma in Canine Myotherapy. Alongside this I was learning about the multimodal approach to managing arthritis and enjoying the learning experience.

2.5 years later, lots of assignments, 8 wonderful days of practical training and 3 amazing case study dogs I have completed my training and can now call myself a Galen Myotherapist.

This is only the beginning of the journey, I still have so much more to learn but I have seen the difference Myotherapy can make.

Woody is doing well, his arthritis is stable and we are both still loving life.

He will always be part of Hands to Paws as it is his paw prints that form part of my logo.

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